SCIM release notes

SCIM release notes

1.0.4 (April 18th, 2024)

New features

SCIM-17 Replace all members of group on update


SCIM-13 Add flavour parameter to configuration

SCIM-14 Add support for additional attribute in group members update request.

SCIM-18 Add Accept header specific for the access token request

SCIM-25 Configuration to connect to proxied SCIM server


SCIM-16 Missing custom schema(s) in create or update payload

SCIM-19 Insert username in field display for memberships management and WSO2 provider

SCIM-20 Access token is not refreshed if no more valid

SCIM-24 Typo in the AbstractSCIMService where getAllGroups fetch Users instead

1.0.3 (August 18th, 2023)


SCIM-10 Advanced entitlement management


SCIM-8 Entitlements, roles and x509 certificates not correctly managed on user read

SCIM-9 SCIM v11 does not support group delete, yet

SCIM-11 Error while updating a group

SCIM-12 Resolve attribute value is null when attribute has multiple values

1.0.2 (July 5th, 2023)


SCIM-2 Better SCIM client session management


SCIM-7 NPE with non-mandatory custom attributes

1.0.1 (June 28th, 2023)

New Features

SCIM-1 Groups management


SCIM-4 Authentication via Bearer Token


SCIM-5 Ignore baseSchema attribute

SCIM-6 NPE reading type for addresses using Slack SCIM provisioning

1.0.0 (April 19th, 2023)

This is the very first stable release available of this connector.

At a glance, the SCIM connector bundle is designed to manage provisioning through the SCIM 1.1 and 2.0 specifications, and is replacing the now deprecated SCIM 1.1 connector bundle.

Read more about configuration options.


The development of this connector's first stable version has been sponsored by Samsung SDS.