The Kafka connector is designed to manage provisioning by streaming from / to Apache Kafka clusters.
Follow these steps to run the stand-alone connector server:
Download the connector server jar file and store it in the connector server directory (any directory).
Download the connector jar file and store it in the bundles subdirectory.
Start the connector server. For more information, check the page about this topic.
Supported operations
Configuration Properties
The following table describes all of the properties that you can specify for the configuration:
Configuration Property | Type | Required | Description |
bootstrapServers | String | X | A list of host/port pairs used to establish the initial connection to the Kafka cluster |
clientId | String | X | Client id for subscription |
consumerGroupId | String | X | A unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to |
autoOffsetReset | String | X | What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that data has been deleted); defaults to |
valueSerializerClassName | String | X | Serializer class for value that implements the 'org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer' interface. Defaults to |
valueDeserializerClassName | String | X | Deserializer class for value that implements the 'org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer' interface. Defaults to |
accountTopic | String |
| Topic to publish to and being subscribed to for object class |
groupTopic | String |